Coming out may be a good way to distinguish them,but sometimes especially when people around you are not that open-minded,it may be not easy to do so.And in some people's eyes,it's weird to see men seeking men and women seeking women when they are just pursuing their happiness.
Coming out to friends and family
It is a confusing and daunting prospect for some people since, for some people, there’s still a stigma attached to certain labels. Aside from the potential risks some people may face, it’s often a question of how you should go about it. If you’ve got no ideas or are lacking some, you might find this useful.
"I used several ways to come out. Most of the time I simply told the person or it was brought up casually in a conversation. Since all the important people in my life know now, I am more blase about it. There’s always a point in your life when you simply give up hiding things. Whether that’s something like admitting that you secretly have Britney Spears posters in your room or whether you have some bigger, darker secret that’s hiding in your closet (pun intended), it is universally agreed that some things are ‘better out than in’."Writing a note, letter or a posted note.
It’s a good way to come out if you are nervous or hesitant to. It’s fairly casual and it may be helpful if you feel that you cannot simply just say it.
Making a video.
Sometimes it’s easier to express what you like when you are not directly facing someone. This is particularly a good idea if you want to say this to someone who you do not see regularly, perhaps due to a long distance, or if you are very nervous about coming out.
Making a casual joke.
Puns are fantastic! If you can’t think of any, there’s always an abundance of puns on the Internet. This blog (x) is one of my favourites for puns. The other day, I used “I am 50% gay” as a way to come out. This obviously isn’t always a good way to come out but in that context, the person understood what I was trying to say.
Slipping it into a conversation.
Being casual normalises it more so if you want it to be undramatic, then you could consider this. Simply mentioning that you find someone attractive or you like someone of a different gender might allow you to come out without planning it extensively. A friend I have recently made did this and it was not only low-key but it got the message across nicely.
Asking a hypothetical question.
Dropping some hints is easier than being direct if you are nervous. It also works well if you are trying to come out to one person at a time. Asking hypothetical questions is good to open up a conversation. It’s best to do this at a time when the person in question is unoccupied.
Just say it.
Whether it’s having a serious conversation or simply saying “grandma, I’m bisexual”, being honest and open with people you care about is one of the best ways to come out. It shows you are proud and sure of your identity. If you are feeling brave and confident about coming out, this may be the best way to come out. It helps to be calm as it also doesn’t worry the other person.
End note: You should only think of coming out if you are ready to and you feel safe. DO NOT force yourself to. Your happiness and will is important!
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